Zuzana Halfarova.

Contemporary artist. Uses mediums such as painting and photography to create three-dimensional objects or site-specific installations.

Zuzana Halfarova was born in Prague, has lived and worked in Italy, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom.

Graduated at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Perugia, atelier of painting and won a scholarship for Universitad de Barcelona, where she studied Alternative Photographic & Printing Tecniques.

Having explored various traditional means of expression such as painting, in 2008 embraces participatory and process art.

Uses mediums conventionally associated with bidimensionality such as painting, photography and print to create three-dimensional objects or site-specific installations.

Last year participated in double solo exhibition “petit vampire DANS LA PISTOCHE”, zeit-specific installation at Villa P651, the home of Behal Fejer Institute.

In 2020 showed her works twice in solo exhibitions AFTERWAVE and GRANDE VETRO at korunovacni7 in Prague.

In 2007 exhibited her work in Germinazioni (Perugia), in the following years in Museo Ex Chiesa di San Francesco (Corciano), Museo dinamico del laterizio e delle terrecotte-Palazzo Pietromarchi (Marsciano), Museo Etnografico (Bienno). Displayed site-specific installation at Fondazione Pietro Vannucci (Perugia), in Piazza Roma (Bienno), at Mannifatture Knos (Lecce), at the Institut de Cultur- Centre Civic Matas i Ramis (Barcelona).

Her works are part of private and public collections in Italy, such as Fondazione Pietro Vannucci, Città di Bienno, Città di Corciano.